Happy new year to everyone.Lets hope the economy will be stabilized and that people WILL not loose their jobs ,everybody saw that happening in their work and some where unlucky enough
to be unemployed just before Christmass.Lets hope that the 'brains' in command will figure out a solution although I doubt about that.
Now for the bright side.
This is the first thread for the new year and i feel kinda happy since
I did a lot of work on my doom3 level loader.Frustrum culling plus bsp -portal rendering included
thanks for the info I found on the following site
the guy did a great job and has very good comments explaining the bsp stuff .Ive included depth 0f field and two models inside just to spice the things up.
Still the engine is verrry slow but ill fix the goddamn thing.The level is borrowed from the site mentioned before.

I try to load a proper doom3 level (ex alphalabs1 ) but i have some problems with the material files but ill figure it out.
The plan now is to include ssao for the level geometry and PCF shadowing .
Happy new year again
PS .I borrow a lot of assets from sites but I also mention where I am getting the stuff from if anybody is readin the threads and has any problem I ll remove the thread.