Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2009

Iphone 3d Engine

I found some time to dedicate to my small 3d engine on the iphone.
The graphics engine is based on oolong engine although I do not use the VFP math library.
So far it supports md5 models and animation (doom3 format),proc scene files (portal visibility)
custom material files (for color or textures) and frustum culling .So far I have a simple first person camera able to move back- forward and strafe left -right by sliding on the screen.The engine is slow on the device because of the animation code which is a non- optimized (thinking to start learning the vfp part ;)) .
For start I will remove the weight normal calculation code which has no reason to exists for now cause I do not use any lights

Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2009

iPostIt my First iPhone App is out

After a loooong time my first iphone app is finally on the appstore.
The app is called iPostIt and it is a nice very user friendly post-it app with some nice practical features

Τρίτη 7 Ιουλίου 2009

Oolong engine

I started playing with oolong engine http://oolongengine.com/ I had some issues in mixing my code with the engine but 
everything looks ok now .There is a lot of usefull stuff and most important it is free!!!
I ported my doom 3 model  code ,something is f..ing wrong with the texturing also I need
 some kind of material file loader also in order to load the textures per mesh.

Horrible horrible  zombies with crapy texture code 

The next step  is to load  doom 3 level geometry (proc files bsp portal stuff) Ill move my dx code to iphone. 

Iphone Key Chain Errors

Finally after two evenings of trying like an idiot to move my application to the iphone I finally succeed to run my small app (a post it application soon in app store :) ) . I had huge problems with the code sign  procedures and the solution was rather simple I was providing the wrong e-mail during the certificate creation.
The correct email is the one which u provided when u register as an iphone developer.
Apple has to make the procedure easier much more easier.

Κυριακή 3 Μαΐου 2009

MD5 Animation iphone

I just finish the animation code ,added some texture support using code 
from this fantastic site 
http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com.The next step is the calculation of normals
and the lighting support .

Σάββατο 2 Μαΐου 2009

IPhone Development

One month ago I decided to join the hordes of the iphone dev cult ,listening to the  warcry
 "Get rich or die spamming" so  i bought a mac mini with 2 gigs of ram and a crappy intel graphics card.
I am in the final stages of finishing my first app (a small utility)
which is going to be published as soon as my enrollment will take place.In the mean time I ported some bits of the md5 doom 3 model loader into iphone and  it loads only the basic mesh geometry no animations or texturing .I havent tried it to a real iphone cause I am not registered yet and I do not have one (and its quite expensive).So these are the first results from the iphone simulator.

Σάββατο 3 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Happy new year

Happy new year to everyone.Lets hope the economy will be stabilized and that people WILL not loose their jobs ,everybody saw that happening in their work and some where unlucky enough
to be unemployed just before Christmass.Lets hope that the 'brains' in command will figure out a solution although I doubt about that.
Now for the bright side.
This is the first thread for the new year and i feel kinda happy since 
I did a lot of work on my doom3 level loader.Frustrum culling plus bsp -portal rendering included
thanks for the info I found on the following site
the guy did a great job and has very good comments explaining the bsp stuff  .Ive included depth 0f field and two models inside just to spice the things up.
Still the engine is verrry slow but ill fix the goddamn thing.The level is borrowed from the site mentioned before.

I try to load a proper doom3 level (ex alphalabs1 ) but i have some problems with the material files but ill figure it out.
The plan now is to include ssao for the level geometry and PCF shadowing .
Happy new year again

PS .I borrow a lot of assets from sites but I also mention where I am getting the stuff from if anybody is readin the threads and has any problem I ll remove the thread.