Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2009

Iphone 3d Engine

I found some time to dedicate to my small 3d engine on the iphone.
The graphics engine is based on oolong engine although I do not use the VFP math library.
So far it supports md5 models and animation (doom3 format),proc scene files (portal visibility)
custom material files (for color or textures) and frustum culling .So far I have a simple first person camera able to move back- forward and strafe left -right by sliding on the screen.The engine is slow on the device because of the animation code which is a non- optimized (thinking to start learning the vfp part ;)) .
For start I will remove the weight normal calculation code which has no reason to exists for now cause I do not use any lights

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